Modern Slavery
He was a 33-year old very decent and hard working slightly overweight man, a minimal smoker with an important family history for heart attack, who ate "sandwiches" for lunch. A sandwich to him was a ham and cheese, and he was now complaining of a "lump" on his right wrist. Chinese or Alternative medicine states what I believe to be the fact: the fat in his diet has caused his soon to be excised wrist cyst. I then said to him, "Every time you pack your lunch, or sit down to a meal, you decide how many more times you want surgery or cancer of the prostate or colon, or heart attack or stroke." I believe, and told him, that what causes his cyst is the very same thing that causes those other problems (which are likely coming in the future).
All of this was discussed as I was eating sliced carrots, cucumber, broccoli and cauliflower and a little bit of cantaloupe for lunch. It tasted okay, not great, had no salad dressing on it, but it tasted like freedom (from disease) to me, and I loved it!
Modern slavery comes from the belief that your problem happened to you or was caused by a situation outside of yourself. Freedom comes from the honesty that says, "What ever goes wrong in my life, I probably made it happen." Actual freedom occurs when you accept the responsibility of making the necessary changes so that problems/diseases stop happening to you (for the most part - there is a small amount of bad luck in life).
You will become psychologically more confident in yourself knowing that you are more moral (healthfully correct) in doing what you know you should do and are less deceptive/weakening to yourself and others by not doing what you should not do. The sin or immorality is pollution of the body or environment - all else is religion or society's conventions and agreements. For your sake, please do not pollute this body and make wrist cysts or cancer or heart disease etc.!
H. Robert Silverstein, MD, FACC
Hartford, CT