Cancer Of The Prostate / Breast and The 5 Basic Activities Or Errors
Yes, I believe that there is a great similarity between these two diseases. Personally, I view them as the same disease; and, cancer of the breast/prostate is also more or less the same disease as heart attack or stroke.
Allow me to explain myself. Diseases have causes.
There are five basic things people do that cause their individual diseases:
- Breathe wrong - smoke
- Drink wrong - other than clean water and weak herbal teas
- Eat wrong - other than a very high fiber/low fat, organic and whole foods diet
- Exercise wrong - walking less than 3 miles per day and doing some progressive weight lifting once a week
- Think wrong - do not accept the difficulties of reality and the need to continuously persevere, focusing on others, not yourself--with optimistic gratitude
When people do those things incorrectly - the 5 Basic Errors as opposed to the 5 Basic Activities - then they develop whatever disease they are genetically predisposed to, such as cancer of the prostate/breast or diabetes/heart attack/gall stones, etc.
Did you know that cancer of the prostate is very uncommon in the Japanese living in Japan, but the incidence of cancer of the prostate and breast rises in American Japanese as they mimic our Western way of living? The answer is not in the genes, the answer is in what our genes express as diseases when we behave abnormally in our Western way of life. That genetic predisposition coupled with our improper behaviors may result in cancer of the prostate or breast and the list of diseases mentioned above, plus many others that you are also familiar with.
Now, what to do about it?
- Accept whatever your circumstance is and make up your mind to begin to change as best you can.
- Begin eating organic brown rice-vegetables-beans-fruit with a little bit of fish.
- Avoid or reduce processed foods such as breads/cereals/pastas/chips/bagels/cakes/cookies/chicken/meat/ dairy products and sweets, etc. as best you can.
- Get down on your knees and thank God for how good your life is.
- Start an exercise program and stop smoking. Keep a positive attitude and work hard. See no problems, only situations that need solutions.
- If you undergo radiation, and you plan to use antioxidants, I believe that it is best not to take them before the radiation, but several hours after that treatment.
There are certain supplements, which may be of value. Personally, I believe that calcium D glucarate, essential fatty acids such as Omega 3's, Original 7 Mushroom Blend, Beta 1,3/1,6 Glucan, lycopene, N-acetyl-cysteine to increase the body's potent antioxidant glutathione, IP-6, MGN-3 or the more economical AHCC are excellent supplements for immune stimulation. Nettle and Pygeum with Pumpkin by Enzymatic Therapy/Prostamino Plus by Bio-Metabolics/Prostagin by NutraLife Laboratory/Prostate Factors by Nature's Purest, PC-SPES are for prostate issues. Mistletoe, as Iscador intravenously, is for breast cancer. Consider traditional medications/surgery/radiation, which all have a place in the care of patients with cancer of the prostate or breast.
To summarize: Correct the 5 Basic Errors. Consider supplements. Make your choices and gratefully accept the consequences realistically. Get on the Internet and learn what you can. For cooking instructions or general guidance call The Preventive Medicine Center.
H. Robert Silverstein, MD
Hartford, CT