The Unified Theory Of Health (And Disease)
Are you aware that increased exercise enhances immunity and reduces cancer? Are you aware that cigarette smoking causes cancer of the colon? Did you know that smoke is related to cancers of the nose and throat and that alcohol is related to cancer of the esophagus, and cirrhosis of the liver? We stand on the forefront of recognizing the role of the mind in the generation as well as regression of disease.
The Unified Theory of Disease or Health begins with the concept that if you did it "all" right, you and I would probably live to somewhere between 110 and 150 great (!!) years.
Nothing we do is "good" for us; we can only do that which is normal or natural for us which then allows us to live out our genetic capabilities. Nothing can make us live longer. Well, let me restate that: Nothing besides God can let us live longer.
If you do it all right, with a bit of luck, you live out your full genetic capability (110-150 years). If you do not do it right, you begin to chip away at your genetic capability, and you may get sick and/or die at 100, 90, 80, 70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 or less. Some people are more sensitive to certain things such as pollutants in the air or water; a few of us are living out the genetic curse which began when our grandparents were "intoxicated" by some environmental or dietary pollutant.
But most of us, and I mean most of us to the point where you should presume that it is you, are living out the biologic reality that we have created for ourselves. Do not blame our environment or fate, do not blame our grandparents, do not blame anyone else: do it right and you can change things for yourself. Whether it is the negativity of your personality, or what you are actually eating, breathing, drinking, (not) exercising, and whether or not you form proper, positive agreements, these are the major factors that will determine your life and/or health or death and/or disease.
The answer is: eat a 90% vegetarian diet (don't squawk about it, make your choice, either it's a good life or disease-death), drink water and weak teas (essentially only), have a positive attitude-be kind-be in the service of other people, walk with 1-3 pound large size Heavy Hands or use a Nordic Track.
The Unified Theory of Disease is not all inclusive, but the "unified theory" of disease is that it is what we do, it is the simple things that we do, which makes us be well or die prematurely, unpleasantly, and expensively. If one does as one is supposed to, there is a natural short relatively painless decline in body function which leads to death at the natural conclusion of our life, that life having been very vigorous and enjoyable virtually to the end.
Such is the Unified Theory of Health and Disease, whether you or I like it or not. Every cookie, bite of chicken or brown rice, every cigarette, every step counts. Be positive, begin to change, you can do it, and we are here to help.
H. Robert Silverstein, MD
Hartford, CT