The Aerobic Rider II For the price you can't beat it! And it is absolutely whisper quiet!!! This is the most convenient, economical, and best exercise combination that I am aware of. It is a smooth and solid machine and I strongly recommend it. Keep this machine "in the room where you live." For most that is a den/TV room, for others it is a kitchen or bedroom. It is a good … [Read more...]
What is God’s Message?
What Is God's Message? God's message (revelations) is stated most clearly in the first of the Ten Commandments. That is, there is a natural and unchanging law (order) in the universe that you must follow or run the risk of God's judgment in this life or the next. God is infinitely patient but not infinitely forgiving. The only "immorality" is the pollution of the body or … [Read more...]
How Virtually All Diseases Occur
How Virtually All Diseases Occur Simply put, virtually all the diseases that we know, all the high blood pressure, all the high cholesterol, diabetes, gallstones, cancers of the colon-prostate-breast, all the body malfunctions have direct causes. There are many disorders for which the causes are not yet known, but we do know the causes, treatments, and even prevention for … [Read more...]
The Unified Theory of Health and Disease
The Unified Theory Of Health (And Disease) Are you aware that increased exercise enhances immunity and reduces cancer? Are you aware that cigarette smoking causes cancer of the colon? Did you know that smoke is related to cancers of the nose and throat and that alcohol is related to cancer of the esophagus, and cirrhosis of the liver? We stand on the forefront of recognizing … [Read more...]
Translation: It is all biochemistry
Translation: It is all biochemistry It is all biochemistry: What you do right gets translated as a good biochemical result (health), and what you do wrong gets translated as a bad biochemical result otherwise known as a disease. If you smoke cigarettes, eat meat, drink coffee/alcohol or cola's, have a bad attitude, don't exercise, use heroin or cocaine, don't wear your seat … [Read more...]