Does Spirituality Exist Outside Of The Mind/Spirit? The possible implications of eating any food that you should not. He was a trim 55-year old man treated for H. pylori two years ago and who was now complaining of fatigue. He only drank 1 cup of coffee per day, ate tofu (sandwiches), did colonics, slept 7 hours a night, and did not drink alcohol. The rest of his life was … [Read more...]
Self Transformation to Deal with Disappointment, Anger & Hatred Leading to Love, Acceptance & Understanding
Self Transformation (Using The Hoffman Quadrinity Process) To Deal With Disappointment, Anger & Hatred Leading To Love, Acceptance, And Understanding A summary of Tony Schwartz in New Age 9-10/99, pages 66-69, 109-115 This is an intense program that can heal the pain of childhood, changing you away from the negative and self-defeating habits that began then and dominate your … [Read more...]
Making Decisions, Russell Crowe in A Beautiful Mind, and Trembling Before God
Making Decisions, Russell Crowe in A Beautiful Mind, and Trembling Before God Russell Crowe was nominated for an Academy Award for his sensitive and effective performance in the 2001 movie A Beautiful Mind. The beauty of the dialogue in that movie impressed me so much that I bought Sylvia Nasar's book. A particular Russell Crowe line in the movie struck me: "cognitive … [Read more...]
Nirvana (Heaven)
Nirvana - Heaven Nirvana-Heaven is the recognition and acceptance of the truths as they exist when you are alive. Nirvana today is different than it was two or six thousand years ago. Nirvana now includes automobiles and electricity whereas two thousand years ago it included primitive iron, and six thousand years ago stone-bronze and a very "outdoors" life. Nirvana is … [Read more...]
Motivation (Doing the Right Thing)
Motivation - Doing The Right Thing In the first chapter of the Bible (Genesis), God advisedadmonished Adam and Eve that all was theirs except the apple from the Tree of Wisdom. That is, the Choices of Good were broad and there was apparently only one bad. However, and as you know the story, humans being what they are, the apple was tasted. Thereafter, all of us have had to … [Read more...]