Ulcer Disease And You Ulcer disease can occur from childhood into the 80's, usually from ages 20 through 50. Generally this is an uncomfortable, rather than a life-threatening, disorder. Ulcer symptoms are a burning or aching pain just below the breast bone in the upper belly. This frequently feels "hot" or "gnawing" and can go straight through the back. These are the usual, … [Read more...]
The Statins: Lipitor, Crestor, Advicor, Pravachol, and Zocor: Coronary Disease Prevention and Reversal
The Statins: Lipitor, Crestor, Advicor, Pravachol, and Zocor: Coronary Disease Prevention and Reversal Not being pedantic or pompous, please allow me to ask you a question. At what cholesterol level, or as an alternative, at what LDL (the bad cholesterol) level, does the atherosclerotic (hardening of the arteries) process start or stop in a population? Castelli, discussing the … [Read more...]
Smoking Control
Smoking Control Smoking is enjoyable and destructive. It calms and kills: Cancer of the throat/lips/lungs; emphysema/bronchitis/pneumonia/shortness of breath/chronic cough; heart disease/heart attack/ angioplasty/stroke; back and disk trouble; and increased lung disease and birth defects in children exposed to smoke. There are many medications to assist one's effort to stop … [Read more...]
Taking My Job and Your Life Seriously
Taking My Job And Your Life Seriously So many diseases are simply calorie related, regardless of the type of calories involved - whether it is protein, fat, sugar, carbohydrate or alcohol etc. I don't have an obsession with your and my being thin, but I do take my job seriously. In general, overweight, and that which causes it, is the most powerful predictor of diabetes, … [Read more...]
Radiation/Chemotherapy and the Heart
Radiation/Chemotherapy And The Heart Women who have had breast cancer wish to know what they can do to preserve their life most successfully after that tragic event. There is a psychology that says if you contract disease you are weak or bad or guilty. There is no doubt that accepting responsibility for your health problem is an important first step, but guilt and other … [Read more...]