Regarding the 11/10/08 New York Times article Cholesterol-Fighting Drugs Show Wider Benefit by Pam Belluck This important study supports the conception that the ideal total cholesterol is between 90-130, similar to all extant societies that do not yet have grocery stores, electricity, or automobiles. Those cultures also have no heart attack, diabetes, cancer of the breast or … [Read more...]
letter to NY Times
Regarding the 11/10/08 New York Times article "Cholesterol-Fighting Drugs Show Wider Benefit” by Pam Belluck This important study supports the conception that the ideal total cholesterol is between 90-130, similar to all extant societies that do not yet have grocery stores, electricity, or automobiles. Those cultures also have no heart attack, diabetes, cancer of the … [Read more...]
Medical blog about stress testing: PMC response
H Robert Silverstein, MD, gives his response to an article in forums on Medscape - unfortunately, we are unable to find the original forum posting, but the text is provided below. Original forum posting ------------------------------------- Elevated Blood Pressure Response to Exercise I just performed a screening cardiac stress test on a 48 year old male as part of a … [Read more...]
Request to be Interviewed by Hartford Magazine
The following was sent to Hartford Magazine to hopefully engage them in further dicsussion about the changes in healthcare Hello Michael & Christopher: with the changes in healthcare that are coming, with the issues we have at hand, your readership might find very interesting the insights that The Preventive Medicine Center (1000 Asylum Ave in Hartford) has: … [Read more...]
My comment: H1N1 vaccine : low dose/Sub Q
The following was placed in comment to H1N1 Misinformation By: Todd Neale | November 24, 2009 In 2007 a "Lancet" study stated that injecting 1/5 the usual dose of flu vaccine subQ was as effective as the full 0.5 ml dose given IM. Is anyone doing this? This month, after my call to the CDC, a representative from the CDC checked & then got back to me that subQ … [Read more...]