The Planetary Health Food Pyramid by Edward Esko Not long ago I was invited to speak at the offices of the Aetna Life Insurance Company outside Detroit. The speech was part of a corporate weliness program held during the employee lunch hour. My speech was scheduled to last about 30 minutes, after which a natural food lunch would be served.The audience would be made up of Aetna … [Read more...]
Macrobiotic Diet Reduces the Risk of Breast Cancer, by Alex Jack
Macrobiotic Diet Reduces the Risk of Breast Cancer by Alex Jack In a random case control study involving 104 middle-aged women, Italian researchers reported this year that a macrobiotic diet could substantially reduce hormonal levels associated with higher risk of breast cancer. Known as the DIANA (Diet and Androgens) Trial, the study was conducted by the National Tumor … [Read more...]
A Low Fat Diet?
A Low-Fat Diet? Medical Tribune. Vol 36: #18:p20 Opinion/Editorial September 21, 1995 As in the movie Network, "I'm mad as H - - -, and I'm not going to take it anymore!" If I didn't appreciate Medical Tribune so much, I'd get upset, cancel my subscription, or something! But, despite your weaknesses, you continue to lead by reporting information insightfully … [Read more...]
Modern Slavery
Modern Slavery He was a 33-year old very decent and hard working slightly overweight man, a minimal smoker with an important family history for heart attack, who ate "sandwiches" for lunch. A sandwich to him was a ham and cheese, and he was now complaining of a "lump" on his right wrist. Chinese or Alternative medicine states what I believe to be the fact: the fat in his diet … [Read more...]
Parklands I mean to offend no one and so my apologies are first. Forgive me for everything I say. But, I have this memory/dream that in Europe the forests are wonderfully orderly. I don't recall what's true and what I am imagining about those forests. The image I have is that, over time, it is as if a gigantic comb was raked over/through these European forests such that downed … [Read more...]