The Alex Kuczynski article in the Sunday Styles Section of 1/19/2003 of the New York Times says the same thing I say: reduce your aerobic training and increase your resistance training. And when I speak professionally, to get the audience’s attention, I provocatively say: “I want you to stop all of your aerobic exercise and do nothing except resistance training!!” And the … [Read more...]
Mindful Meditation, Light Isometric Tensing (LIT), and Socrates
Mindful Meditation, Light Isometric Tensing (LIT), and Socrates It was Socrates who said, "The unexamined life is not worth living." I paraphrase that by saying: If you do not examine what you are doing and do not do the right thing, you are not going to have a very long or healthy life to examine. The concept of Mindful Meditation as recommended by Thich Nhat Hahn, Jon … [Read more...]
Keep on Moving, Skinny Children, Super Slow and Exercise Machines – The Exercise Opportunity
Keep on Moving, Skinny Children, Super Slow and Exercise Machines - The Exercise Opportunity While you are in the check-out line of a grocery store, watch any bored-to-death 3 year old child waiting to leave. He/she acts like a jumping bean constantly moving, walking, crouching, doing whatever he/she can to entertain him/herself, just enough not to be a spankable nuisance. Mom … [Read more...]
Recommended Exercise: Healthrider, Nordic Track & Ever Young Hand Weights
Recommended Exercise: Healthrider, Nordic Track & Ever Young Hand Weights On 12/17/92 at 4:15 p.m. a 47-year old diabetic woman was in my office talking to me about weight loss and toning up her stomach. The issue of exercise was essential for the control of her (and most everybody's) problems. Are you interested in avoiding high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, … [Read more...]
Exercise-Free Weights & Aerobic
Everyone knows that people should walk outside, hike, ride a bike, swim, or even use a treadmill--“aerobic” exercise. But, weight lifting or resistance training is the “recent” darling of the wellness world. Exercise is not just beneficial, it is essential! Biologically and historically, you can imagine early human beings exercising huge amounts living on the plains, in … [Read more...]