"Noli carborundum---" Direction, not perfection "If you like it, it is either illegal, immoral, or fattening" is a very well known wise saying. And the truth is that I don't like brown rice-vegetables-beans(G-V-B). That is not to say that I dislike brown rice-vegetables-beans, that is to say they don't give me the same kick that meat, cheese, chicken, Chinese food, pizza, … [Read more...]
Exercise-Free Weights & Aerobic
Everyone knows that people should walk outside, hike, ride a bike, swim, or even use a treadmill--“aerobic” exercise. But, weight lifting or resistance training is the “recent” darling of the wellness world. Exercise is not just beneficial, it is essential! Biologically and historically, you can imagine early human beings exercising huge amounts living on the plains, in … [Read more...]
The Food Mantra
Here is a printable (pdf) version of The Food Mantra THE FOOD MANTRA: FRESH (fruits and vegetables), WHOLE & UNPROCESSED (grains and beans), ORGANIC (all) & FIBER (all) GRAINS (soak overnight) VEGETABLES (Fresh is BEANS best!!) FRUIT FISH (optional/treat) Cause weight gain/ stop … [Read more...]
Grains-Vegetables-Beans-Fish-Vitamins (aka Recipes 1)
Here is a printable version (pdf) of Recipes 1. Avoid no-fiber foods like chicken, skim milk, turkey, margarine, yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese, grease/oil, hamburger, steak, sausage, bacon, fast foods, ham and eggs. Skinless chicken breast is lower in fat than meat, but has the same cholesterol content as a T-bone steak. Polyunsaturated fats like corn oil and margarine … [Read more...]
Weightlifting (Resistance Training) – “Super Slow” and “Success is Failure”
The Alex Kuczynski article in the Sunday Styles Section of 1/19/2003 of the New York Times says the same thing I say: reduce your aerobic training and increase your resistance training. And when I speak professionally, to get the audience’s attention, I provocatively say: “I want you to stop all of your aerobic exercise and do nothing except resistance training!!” And the … [Read more...]