High Fiber-Low Cholesterol-Low Fat Quick and Relatively Healthy Eating For any item on this entire sheet that you are unfamiliar with, say to an employee in the natural food store "Please find for me...." these things. Breakfast: Quinoa: cooks in 10-15 minutes (or 1/2 the time if soaked overnight) on the top of the stove and is the ideal breakfast cereal. It is also … [Read more...]
Protein Myth
In the past, some people believed one could never get too much protein.In the early 1900's, Americans were told to eat well over 100 grams of protein a day. And as recently as the 1950's, health-conscious people were encouraged to boost their protein intake. The reality is that the average American takes in twice the amount of protein he or she needs. Excess protein has been … [Read more...]