What is Macrobiotics? by Bonnie Kramer What is "macrobiotics" and how does it differ from the usual American diet? What makes it so healthful, and why do people tend to refer to it as the "anti-cancer" diet? Macrobiotics is neither a diet nor a fad, nor is it extreme in restrictions. The word itself comes from combining two Greek words "macro" and "bios,"meaning "large" or … [Read more...]
Cardiomyopathy And Congestive Heart Failure
Cardiomyopathy And Congestive Heart Failure Everyone is aware that cancer is the scariest diagnosis. But the actual number one killer in the United States, killing twice as often as cancer, and most likely to strike a person is heart disease, whether you are a woman or man, Black/Hispanic/Asian or White. Heart attack, angioplasty. hardening of the arteries, bypass surgery and … [Read more...]
The Statins: Lipitor, Crestor, Advicor, Pravachol, and Zocor: Coronary Disease Prevention and Reversal
The Statins: Lipitor, Crestor, Advicor, Pravachol, and Zocor: Coronary Disease Prevention and Reversal Not being pedantic or pompous, please allow me to ask you a question. At what cholesterol level, or as an alternative, at what LDL (the bad cholesterol) level, does the atherosclerotic (hardening of the arteries) process start or stop in a population? Castelli, discussing the … [Read more...]
Does Spirituality Exist Outside Of The Mind/Spirit?
Does Spirituality Exist Outside Of The Mind/Spirit? The possible implications of eating any food that you should not. He was a trim 55-year old man treated for H. pylori two years ago and who was now complaining of fatigue. He only drank 1 cup of coffee per day, ate tofu (sandwiches), did colonics, slept 7 hours a night, and did not drink alcohol. The rest of his life was … [Read more...]
New Reasons to be Dairy-Free
New Reasons to be Dairy-Free In macrobiotic thinking, milk is a more yin or expansive food. Milk is a food for growth; it promotes rapid development of the newborn. Mothers milk is suitable for the earliest stages of life, but once teeth come in and a baby is able to eat grains and other vegetable foods on his own, milk is no longer necessary nor beneficial. It is at that time … [Read more...]