Cancer Of The Prostate / Breast and The 5 Basic Activities Or Errors Yes, I believe that there is a great similarity between these two diseases. Personally, I view them as the same disease; and, cancer of the breast/prostate is also more or less the same disease as heart attack or stroke. Allow me to explain myself. Diseases have causes. There are five basic things people … [Read more...]
Smoking Control
Smoking Control Smoking is enjoyable and destructive. It calms and kills: Cancer of the throat/lips/lungs; emphysema/bronchitis/pneumonia/shortness of breath/chronic cough; heart disease/heart attack/ angioplasty/stroke; back and disk trouble; and increased lung disease and birth defects in children exposed to smoke. There are many medications to assist one's effort to stop … [Read more...]
Self Transformation to Deal with Disappointment, Anger & Hatred Leading to Love, Acceptance & Understanding
Self Transformation (Using The Hoffman Quadrinity Process) To Deal With Disappointment, Anger & Hatred Leading To Love, Acceptance, And Understanding A summary of Tony Schwartz in New Age 9-10/99, pages 66-69, 109-115 This is an intense program that can heal the pain of childhood, changing you away from the negative and self-defeating habits that began then and dominate your … [Read more...]
Martin Luther King’s Rice Heritage
Martin Luther King's Rice Heritage The ancestry of Martin Luther King, Jr., the leader of the modern civil rights movement, is veiled in obscurity. Like many African-Americans whose forebears were enslaved, his genealogical roots were severed with the Middle Passage across the Atlantic. According to family lore, his earliest forebear was Willis Wilhams, a great-grandfather, … [Read more...]
Diet 3: Skim Milk Diet
Diet #3: Skim Milk Diet Follow for 1 - 2 weeks. One whole quart of Rice Dream Vanilla Enriched or Eden Soy Extra (both contain vitamin A, D, and calcium), skim or buttermilk each day, which are best divided into eight 4-oz. glasses evenly over the day. To add an excellent mixture with a delicious tang, much like a milk shake, is 4 oz. of Rice Dream or Eden Soy with 2 oz. of … [Read more...]