Diet #5: High Fiber/High Protein/Weight Reduction Liv-It It is ideal to lose weight by cutting back. Chew each bite 15 times. Sit, think, and chew. Do not watch television, talk to anyone, listen to the radio, or read the newspaper. Think and count. The key to this approach is whole fiber, and not having around foods you should not eat. This is about "direction, not … [Read more...]
To My Patients
To My Patients About "Running On Time or Late" I am concerned with your needs and time requirements. You need to understand that this office runs quite a bit differently. Unfortunately, but like many other physicians, I run late. To be truthful, I spend a lot of time with my patients, telephone calls are put through and dealt with, and at times there are tasks and … [Read more...]
Help Me
Help Me Help me recall who stated the following: "The unexamined life is not worth living." Similarly, if you don't chew your food as least 15 times, you may not have a life (as long as you wish) to examine. Sit, think, chew every bite 15 times, and count once for each time you chew it. That is, it is my firm belief that chewing every bite of food 15 times will increase … [Read more...]
Vegetarians Can Be Strong Athletes
Vegetarians Can Be Strong Athletes No meat, no problem. That's the qualified conclusion of nutritionists asked whether athletes can be vegetarians and maintain their stamina. "Athletes and heavy exercisers absolutely can be vegetarians," said Gail Butterfield, a sports nutritionist in Palo Alto, Calif., who counsels Stanford University teams. "I would never discourage an … [Read more...]
Benefits of Macrobiotics, by Edward Esko
Benefits of Macrobiotics by Edward Esko What are the benefits of macrobiotic living? Eating this way can help us maintain optimal health and achieve longevity. People such as the Hunza in Kashmir, known for their good health and longevity, eat grains and vegetables as their main food. They were eating more or less a macrobiotic diet adapted to their mountainous terrain and … [Read more...]