Common Digestive Disorders The modern low-fiber diet has wreaked havoc on the digestive systems of millions of people. It is rare to find someone with a healthy digestion and smooth elimination. Digestive disorders are so common that that most people regard them as a normal part of life. Tight, narrow lips are a sign that the digestive system has become tight and … [Read more...]
Biowisdom – Protecting Yourself Naturally
Biowisdom - Protecting Yourself Naturally Key to Planetary Health and Peace Following terrorist attacks on the United States, including the release of potentially deadly anthrax, the fear of biological, chemical, and radiological weapons of mass destruction has spread worldwide. Antibiotics and other medical remedies exist for anthrax and other biological threats and have … [Read more...]
Balance in the Art of Cooking
Balance in the Art of Cooking Cooking is the art of creating life itself. From it arises happiness or unhappiness, success or failure, health or sickness. The quality of our diet determines whether our life is one of continuing health and development, or one of progressive decline and decay. Cooking is so vital that every person, both male and female, is encouraged to develop … [Read more...]
Allergies I'd like to relate my experience with the healing power of macrobiotics. Throughout childhood and adolescence, I suffered from allergies. Practically every day of my life I would sneeze repeatedly and my nose would run. Nasal congestion was a year round problem, and became worse with the coming of late summer and hay fever season, when I would experience swelling in … [Read more...]
Health Benefits of Green Tea
A Guide to the Health Benefits of Green Tea Compiled and Edited by Edward Esko "In the Shizuoka prefecture, which cultivates tea as it has for nearly twelve centuries, the incidence of cancer is unusually low, even by Japanese standards. The residents of the area drink about ten small cups a day and use tea leaves only once, rather than brewing several infusions from the same … [Read more...]