Esophagitis (Inflammation of the Esophagus or Gullet), Hiatus Hernia, "GERD", and Ulcer Disease The esophagus is a tube that connects the mouth to the stomach. Reflux of stomach contents and acid into the lower esophagus causing "esophagitis" occurs in Hiatus Hernia and other conditions. Such reflux can be serious leading to Barrett's Esophagus/scarring/ulcers/pain and … [Read more...]
Ultra-low-fat diet/drug combo can arrest heart disease
Ultra-low-fat diet/drug combo can arrest heart disease, suggests small study "Eating an ultra-low-fat diet and taking lipid-lowering drugs to maintain a cholesterol level below 150 mg/dl stops - and can even reverse - heart disease," says Caldwell B. Esselstyn Jr., MD. "Every patient with coronary artery disease should be offered this option of therapy," he says. In the … [Read more...]
The Statins: Lipitor, Crestor, Advicor, Pravachol, and Zocor: Coronary Disease Prevention and Reversal
The Statins: Lipitor, Crestor, Advicor, Pravachol, and Zocor: Coronary Disease Prevention and Reversal Not being pedantic or pompous, please allow me to ask you a question. At what cholesterol level, or as an alternative, at what LDL (the bad cholesterol) level, does the atherosclerotic (hardening of the arteries) process start or stop in a population? Castelli, discussing the … [Read more...]
Cardiomyopathy And Congestive Heart Failure
Cardiomyopathy And Congestive Heart Failure Everyone is aware that cancer is the scariest diagnosis. But the actual number one killer in the United States, killing twice as often as cancer, and most likely to strike a person is heart disease, whether you are a woman or man, Black/Hispanic/Asian or White. Heart attack, angioplasty. hardening of the arteries, bypass surgery and … [Read more...]
Smoking Control
Smoking Control Smoking is enjoyable and destructive. It calms and kills: Cancer of the throat/lips/lungs; emphysema/bronchitis/pneumonia/shortness of breath/chronic cough; heart disease/heart attack/ angioplasty/stroke; back and disk trouble; and increased lung disease and birth defects in children exposed to smoke. There are many medications to assist one's effort to stop … [Read more...]