Insulin (as Villain) and Hypertension A Direct Relationship Insulin resistance refers to the (lack of) effect of insulin on carbohydrate (glucose) metabolism. Only 1/2 (50%) of hypertensives have insulin values similar to the normal population and hence are not insulin resistant. Not all hypertensives are insulin resistant and not all insulin resistant people (like … [Read more...]
The Answer to Your Prayers
The Answer To Your Prayers Do you want or pray for cancer, heart disease, diabetes, dialysis, surgery, depression? Don't answer "No" too quickly. And be careful not to start or continue pursuing a path that ultimately leads to insanity and/or disease by doing what creates these man-given problems. I am not so perfect, I am not "casting the first stone," and I do not judge … [Read more...]
The Immune System – as a med student and Cardiologist
The Immune System - as a med student and Cardiologist I remember when my interest in the immune system began. I was a medical student in 1963 at the Ohio State University Hospital out-patient GYN Clinics. A fair number of women who attended this clinic were diabetic and many would come to the clinic with what I will call "boils outside near the vagina." An excellent article … [Read more...]
My Fair Lady and "On Humility"
My Fair Lady And "On Humility" "I'm sick of being sick," she said - to which I responded in truth, "The fruits of your labor." "Father Joe just left," she responded, "I don't need another sermon." And I then said, "The truth hurts." We both laughed and began to deal with her issues after this exchange. At the 90% plus level, everyone who gets sick, does it to themselves. We … [Read more...]
Esophagitis, Hiatus Hernia, "GERD" and Ulcer Disease
Esophagitis (Inflammation of the Esophagus or Gullet), Hiatus Hernia, "GERD", and Ulcer Disease The esophagus is a tube that connects the mouth to the stomach. Reflux of stomach contents and acid into the lower esophagus causing "esophagitis" occurs in Hiatus Hernia and other conditions. Such reflux can be serious leading to Barrett's Esophagus/scarring/ulcers/pain and … [Read more...]