On Friday 7/29/11, H. Robert Silverstein appeared on WTNH Television's show "Connecticut Style" at 12:30. He talks about the essential biological requirements of the human body, and how following them more closely will help you lead a healthier life and reduce your risk of disease. These ideas are detailed in his recently re-written book, Maximum Healing: Improve Your … [Read more...]
How Virtually All Diseases Occur
This is available as a printable document (pdf) The Needs of Our Human Biology (How Virtually All Diseases Occur) Simply put, virtually all the diseases that we know, all the high blood pressure, all the high cholesterol, diabetes, gall stones, cancers of the colon-prostate-breast, all the body malfunctions have specific, and for the most part, known causes. There are … [Read more...]
To My Patients
To My Patients About "Running On Time or Late" I am concerned with your needs and time requirements. You need to understand that this office runs quite a bit differently. Unfortunately, but like many other physicians, I run late. To be truthful, I spend a lot of time with my patients, telephone calls are put through and dealt with, and at times there are tasks and … [Read more...]
Holiday Behaviors Leading to Health or Disease
Holiday Behaviors Leading to Health or Disease Alcoholism, cigarette smoking, overweight, lack of exercise and "drug" use/abuse are just the excessive extensions of normal behaviors. In ancient times these holiday behaviors were permitted/acceptable only infrequently and for very short periods of time. There could be a "Holiday" mentality just 2 or 3 days a year since life was … [Read more...]
Translation: It is all biochemistry
Translation: It is all biochemistry It is all biochemistry: What you do right gets translated as a good biochemical result (health), and what you do wrong gets translated as a bad biochemical result otherwise known as a disease. If you smoke cigarettes, eat meat, drink coffee/alcohol or cola's, have a bad attitude, don't exercise, use heroin or cocaine, don't wear your seat … [Read more...]