C.A.I.M. and ABLE C. = Complementary A. = Alternative I. = Integrative M. = Medicine The ABLE physician will integrate C.A.I.M. into his/her current practice. There are approximately 50 different fields that are currently listed under "Complementary and Alternative Medicine." The mainstays of C.A.I.M. are: Psychological/Spiritual Enhancement - … [Read more...]
What is God’s Message?
What Is God's Message? God's message (revelations) is stated most clearly in the first of the Ten Commandments. That is, there is a natural and unchanging law (order) in the universe that you must follow or run the risk of God's judgment in this life or the next. God is infinitely patient but not infinitely forgiving. The only "immorality" is the pollution of the body or … [Read more...]