Cardiomyopathy And Congestive Heart Failure Everyone is aware that cancer is the scariest diagnosis. But the actual number one killer in the United States, killing twice as often as cancer, and most likely to strike a person is heart disease, whether you are a woman or man, Black/Hispanic/Asian or White. Heart attack, angioplasty. hardening of the arteries, bypass surgery and … [Read more...]
Smoking Control
Smoking Control Smoking is enjoyable and destructive. It calms and kills: Cancer of the throat/lips/lungs; emphysema/bronchitis/pneumonia/shortness of breath/chronic cough; heart disease/heart attack/ angioplasty/stroke; back and disk trouble; and increased lung disease and birth defects in children exposed to smoke. There are many medications to assist one's effort to stop … [Read more...]
Cancer of the Prostate / Breast and The 5 Basic Activities or Errors
Cancer Of The Prostate / Breast and The 5 Basic Activities Or Errors Yes, I believe that there is a great similarity between these two diseases. Personally, I view them as the same disease; and, cancer of the breast/prostate is also more or less the same disease as heart attack or stroke. Allow me to explain myself. Diseases have causes. There are five basic things people … [Read more...]
Taking My Job and Your Life Seriously
Taking My Job And Your Life Seriously So many diseases are simply calorie related, regardless of the type of calories involved - whether it is protein, fat, sugar, carbohydrate or alcohol etc. I don't have an obsession with your and my being thin, but I do take my job seriously. In general, overweight, and that which causes it, is the most powerful predictor of diabetes, … [Read more...]
Coronary artery disease virtually preventable
Coronary Artery Disease Virtually Preventable Coronary artery disease and hypercholesterolemia (i.e. cholesterol levels of 150 mg/dl or higher) are diseases of genetic susceptibility, if people do certain things; namely, if they consume a diet high in calories, fatty foods (meat and poultry, dairy products, fast and fried foods), and white-flour baked goods and low in whole, … [Read more...]