Never Overeat Again! Abstracted from September '96 Prevention page 81: Party for one! This is the approach of Dr. Dean Ornish who wrote The Dr. Dean Ornish Program For The Reversal of Heart Disease. While you eat, don't talk to anyone, read anything or be on the phone. For one minute look at the food. Close your eyes and imagine it, smell it, then bite slowly. Notice all the … [Read more...]
Overweight and What to Do About It – A Primer
Overweight And What To Do About It - A Primer Overweight is defined as the presence of a body fat content beyond 15% of total body weight in men and 20% in women. If you are overweight you almost certainly have a problem with fats (chicken-meat-oils-butter-margarine) and/or sweets. Generally, fat is found in margarine (100%), meat (50-80%), cheese (80%), butter (100%) and … [Read more...]