Biowisdom - Protecting Yourself Naturally
Key to Planetary Health and Peace
Following terrorist attacks on the United States, including the release of potentially deadly anthrax, the fear of biological, chemical, and radiological weapons of mass destruction has spread worldwide. Antibiotics and other medical remedies exist for anthrax and other biological threats and have helped save the lives of some people exposed to deadly germs. In other cases, they have not worked or resulted in severe side effects. There are other agents such as Sarin nerve gas, Ebola virus, and nuclear radiation for which no effective remedies exist.
Apart from bioweapons whose express purpose is to kill and injure, genetically modified organisms (GMOs) have been introduced into the world food supply in the last several years without comprehensive testing or labeling. While their intent is to benefit rather than harm, a growing body of scientific and medical research indicates that GMOs are producing adverse effects on human health and the environment. GE pollen, bacteria, viruses, and other biological organisms are contaminating crops, sowing fear and terror in many conventional and organic farms in the heartland. Even the tiniest genetic effects in the short run may produce widespread consequences and prove permanent and irreversible over time. With the mapping of genetic codes for so many plants, animals, and microorganisms, the distinction between diseases, drugs, and foods is rapidly vanishing. The same inherently dangerous genetic techniques are used to create bioweapons, manufacture vaccines, and grow crops.
In this era of global peril, many people are seeking safe, natural ways to help protect themselves from biological, chemical, and nuclear threats. They also want to safeguard their families from potentially harmful antibiotics, vaccines, irradiation, and other extreme responses. They want to develop a calm, peaceful mind and spirit that intuitively avoids danger and contributes to harmony.
In addition to civil liberties, one of the first casualties of war is public health and the environment. Following the recent emergency, the administration said that it might suspend rules for the testing and labeling of drugs, vaccines, blood, and blood products be proposed. The U.S. government may also waive quality control standards and product liability laws. Under the proposed Model State Emergency Health Powers Act, citizens would be forced to submit to physical exams, tests, quarantine, and vaccinations against their will.
Being in the wrong place at the wrong time is not a crime or a moral failing. But to some extent it is avoidable through observing a balanced diet, traditional spiritual practices such as prayer and meditation, modern psychological practices such as visualization and imagery, sound and music therapy, and other approaches and techniques that may help awaken us to approaching danger. Over time, such an orientation may even create a positive spiral of energy that radiates trust, peace, and joy.
Broadly, this natural approach to health and safety in the early 21st century - biowisdom can be defined as the intuitive understanding of what is necessary, right, and appropriate for sustaining life on the planet, creating health and peace, and spreading clarity and love. Biowisdom encompasses the native wisdom of the body, mind, and spirit, as well as the collective wisdom of the earth, sky, and all created things. It is the rustle of wings and the flight of birds before the storm, the hope inspired by the twinkling of far distant stars. It is the soul of a city rebuilding from the ashes. It is a planet struggling to breathe and purify its oceans, lakes, and rivers.
Biowisdom understands that humanity's true wealth and heritage lie in the diversity of the earth's natural plants and animals; its rich tapestry of cultures, spiritual practices, culinary traditions, and customs; and the free flow of ideas, information, and seeds. It is the antidote to bioterrorism, the alternative to biotechnology, and the key to planetary health and peace.
Strengthening Your Natural Immunity
During the recent crisis, some individuals and families in the holistic and natural foods communities in New York, Washington, Florida, and other regions continued their daily practice of eating whole grains; umeboshi plums, miso, shoyu, and other fermented foods; and sea vegetables and other strengthening foods to protect against the risk of anthrax, smallpox, or other biological, chemical, or radiological agent. Following the anthrax attacks, macrobiotic educator Michio Kushi advised those at greatest risk of infection to take ume-sho-bancha, a tea made with umeboshi plum, shoyu or natural soy sauce, and bancha twig tea (see recipe) as part of a balanced diet centered around whole grains and cooked vegetables. This tea is traditionally taken to strengthen the blood, lymph, and other body fluids and is recommended for many infectious conditions.
Miso, or fermented paste made with soybeans and whole grains, will also help alkalinize the blood, strengthen the liver and spleen, and ward off infection or toxic contamination. It may be prepared in soup and eaten once or twice a day. Organic barley, brown rice, or hatcho (all-soybean) miso that has aged a minimum of 2 years has the most healing power. Miso is also excellent for neutralizing the effects of radiation in the event of a nuclear accident or attack.
Sea vegetables also have strong, detoxifying properties and can eliminate a wide range of toxins from the body, including Strontium-90, Cesium-137, and other radioactive particles. Among these are wakame, a long, thin seaweed that turns translucent green when cooked and is used in miso soup; kombu, a thicker, darker seaweed related to kelp; nori the wafer-thin seaweed in which sushi is wrapped; arame, a thin, wiry, dark seaweed that is sweet to the taste; hiziki, a thicker, darker seaweed that has long black strands and a deep, ocean aroma; and dulse; a reddish-purple plant native to the Atlantic seaboard. A small volume of sea vegetables may be used daily in soup, as a condiment, or in cooking. During an emergency, slightly more volume and frequency may be taken.
Many microorganisms, such as the anthrax bacillus, particularly affect the lymph system. To strengthen the spleen and other lymphatic organs, take proportionately more millet, sweet rice, winter squash, cabbage, onions, and other sweet veggies. In the event of infection, a brown-rice miso plaster may provide relief.
With an ounce of dietary common sense, a pound of medical cure can often be avoided. In general, a balanced, conscientious approach to our daily way of eating contributes to strong natural immunity to disease. The above foods and special remedies may reduce our risk of infection. However, if symptoms arise or persist, please seek prompt medical attention. In diagnosing and treating lethal agents unleashed by fanaticism, this is no time to be dogmatic ourselves.
This drink will help strengthen the blood, lymph, and other bodily fluids and help protect from infection.
- ½ - 1 umeboshi plum
- ½ - 1 teaspoon shoyu
Place the plum and shoyu in a teacup. Add hot bancha twig tea into the cup, stirring well. Drink hot, eating the plum.
Michio Kushi recommends taking one small cup daily for up to three weeks, then every other day or occasionally as needed for another several weeks, and then stop or taper off.
Biowisdom by Amberwaves coordinators Alex and Gale Jack (paperback, 2002, $10.95) offers natural approaches to bioterrorism, nuclear radiation, GMOs, and other threats in the early 21st century. Through diet, meditation, sound and music, and other lifestyles practices, we can strengthen our natural immunity to disease; develop our intuition, and radiate clarity and peace. This article presents excerpts from the new book.
Biowisdom includes case histories from atomic bomb survivors in Japan who used natural foods to heal, 20 practical ways to develop intution, and insights by John Robbins, the founder of EarthSave; Starhawk, a global activist and educator; and Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich.
Alex Jack and Gale Jack live in Western Massachusetts. Email is
Anthrax May Swap Genes with GE Foods
Scientists warned that the bacteria that causes anthrax share a similar genetic structure to Bt (Bacillus thurigiensis), the bacterial pesticide that is spliced into many varieties of GE corn, soybeans, canola, and cotton. "Small genetic differences have so far maintained the distinction that makes B. anthracis a notorious human pathogen and Bt merely a useful pest control bug," New Scientist reported. It cited discovery of a novel gene-swapping system that enables Bt to exchange DNA with other bacillus cells. "The potential for spawning very dangerous strains and unleashing them into the environment is clearly there."
Observing potential agroterrorist threats on the horizon, geneticist Joe Cummins noted, "It does not seem to be unlikely that crops bearing anthrax genes could be produced either for inexpensive vaccines or for terror weapons. Developments in biotechnology make it possible to greatly amplify the impact of traditional biowarfare agents, and it has made the means to create bioterror weapons available to a significant part of the population through training in genetic engineering. Common sense and cool thinking is needed to counter the terror aspects of bioweapons."
These articles are from Amberwaves, Journal of Planetary Health, Peace, and Organic Living, Issue 3.