Lines of Cocaine
Cocaine is used illegally in three different forms. The first is inhaled cocaine powder, the second is smoked crack and the third is intravenously.
A new method of viewing patient behavior is to evaluate chat behavior in terms of how many lines of cocaine that behavior is the equivalent of.
For instance, one pack of cigarettes is viewed as about four lines of cocaine. Four cups of coffee, one line of cocaine. Red meat, cheese, butter, margarine and eggs, cakes, cookies, pastries, "lines of cocaine."
Less than three miles a day of walking, four days a week, "lines of cocaine,"
America has lost its recognition of common sense. The human body is designed to be lean, hard working, highly muscular, have less than 15% body fat for men and less than 20% body fat for women. We are designed to be about 90% vegetarian, to be hard working, to have a cholesterol, blood pressure, and sugar of less than 130.
Cocaine, cigarettes, alcohol, and the above other listed "don'ts" are all destructive. Cocaine is more destructive on a short term basis, but alcohol and cigarettes are just as lethal and destructive.
The human body will tolerate much. Not everyone who uses cocaine dies from it immediately.
As you know, just as in most criminal behavior, there is much recidivism with cocaine, heroin, cigarettes, alcohol, red meat, cheese, butter, margarine, eggs, ice cream, cakes, cookies.
America would-cou1d-should have much more humility if it understood that we are all doing "cocaine" in our own fashions. The moralism that we all profess should be a matter of service to limit the above absolutely as much as possible, to eat brown rice, vegetables, and beans, to drink clean water, breathe clean air, work physically hard and serve other people.
How many lines of cocaine do you do and how often?
H. Robert Silverstein, MD
Hartford, CT