My Fair Lady And "On Humility"
"I'm sick of being sick," she said - to which I responded in truth, "The fruits of your labor." "Father Joe just left," she responded, "I don't need another sermon." And I then said, "The truth hurts." We both laughed and began to deal with her issues after this exchange.
At the 90% plus level, everyone who gets sick, does it to themselves. We must all grow up and humbly accept this responsibility/recognition of the truth that it is either "do it right or risk getting seriously hurt."
If you have any health problems, you must have the humility to ask yourself, "What have I done to make this happen?" It is almost always our behaviors that cause the expression of our genetic tendencies (weaknesses), which lead to our diseases. That is, we would never develop genetic diseases like diabetes, cancer, heart disease, gallstones, diverticulitis, hiatus hernia, varicose veins, emphysema, etc. if we did not do certain things.
Each of us has genetic tendencies as mentioned above and those tendencies/disease processes only occur if we do certain things to make them occur. It is, for the most part, our diet, exercise, attitude, drinking, smoking, weight, dress, and inappropriate - too much or too little - sun exposure plus some bad luck which makes/allows us develop the various diseases listed above plus hypertension, stroke, bad backs, etc. The same is/was true of our parents and grandparents: Whatever problems they had were almost always the expression of their genetic tendencies (weaknesses) caused by what they did. If they had cancer of the skin or lung or bowel or breast or heart attack or stroke or diabetes or gallstones, etc., then these are the problems that occurred in them because of what they did.
There is a Natural Human Design which, when followed, essentially prevents all diseases and can make many of our current problems regress-reduce-clear away. Weight reduction and a salt-controlled high fiber diet can frequently "cure" high blood pressure, diabetes, hardening of the arteries and many other problems as well as prevent cancer, back problems, depression, etc., if we are smart enough to follow what is required by our Natural Human Design.
The Natural Human Design is to breathe clean air, drink clean water, have a positive attitude, work physically hard, serve other people, not smoke, and eat a low calorie/VERY high fiber, whole foods diet at the 90% level, have less than 15% body fat as a man and less than 20% body fat as a woman. When people do these, diseases do not occur except in rare and chance instances rather than the great and predictable frequency with which we are all too aware.
The Natural Human Design is to live to a very enjoyable, active, vigorous, romantic, healthy, and intelligent age of 100+.
Have a positive attitude - you can do it right and stop disease - even reverse it. So, as in My Fair Lady "With a little bit o' luck..."
H. Robert Silverstein, MD
Hartford, CT