In every second of your life which is when you are riding in a car or listening to a radio, getting dressed in the morning, talking to your friends, business partner, husband or wife, children etc: when in the course of history, when at that moment, you try to decide what it is all about, you can now realize the answer is, and always has been, simple.
It is very obvious what it is all about. You may recognize God, or accept chance, but in any case, it is about doing it as well as it can be done while it is being done. Less than that hurts you and others.
The deficit of the United States has to do with not doing it right.
Our cocaine problem has to do with not doing it right. Heart disease and cancer have to do with not doing it right enough, not bad luck.
We need to learn from the highest through the least of us all, such as yourself and myself, that the more things you do right, the less things go wrong as a general rule.
Don’t count on the fact that nothing all that serious has happened to you up until this point, count on the fact that you still have the opportunity to do it better and better.
So then, on a rainy, gray Saturday or Sunday headed to Church/Mosque/Synagogue, or on a Monday-Friday to work, in your car or wherever, know full well that there are important things about in your life and every detail counts. Put on your seat belt, drive fuel efficient cars, don’t smoke, stand up straight, be lean and highly vegetarian, have a positive/serving attitude, etc.
It is either “good” or “business.” Business calls for no emotion, just decision-action. “Good” means enjoy yourself. Basically there is no place for bad emotion. Don’t permit bad emotion.
Avoid having bad emotions, as always, as best as you can.
Doing the wrong thing causes bad emotions. Doing the wrong thing will make you unhappy and cause bad emotions.
Do the right thing, and enjoy yourself in a healthy, happy, wealthy, and wise fashion.
Don’t be perfect (you can not), but do it as right as you can do it.
Here is a printable (pdf) version of What is Life All About
H. Robert Silverstein, M.D.
Fellow of the American College of Preventive Medicine
Fellow of the American College of Cardiology