What You (And I) Like
Think about what you (and I) like. Do you like chicken, margarine, tunafish sandwiches or grinders, pizza, ice cream, cakes, cookies, hamburgers, meat-cheese-eggs-butter-margarine-pancakes-syrup, watching TV, the foods that you eat, that which you drink, or smoke?
I like everything you like. I used to smoke two packs a day, be thirty pounds overweight, not exercise, and eat meat-cheese-eggs-butter-ice cream-cakes-cookies - and still do some.
Smart is knowing what is up. And what is up, is wellness...wellness, whether you are Black or White, short or tall, male or female, has to do with understanding the Natural Human Design which is to be lean (skin-muscle-bone), eat very little, serve other people, not smoke, eat a high fiber diet of brown rice-steamed vegetables-bean soup at about the 90% level.
You don't have to do everything right all at once, but it is, "get smart, or get hurt."
Life and intelligence are measured by "rights minus wrongs." If you do something right, you do not get something extra, you just don't get hurt. If you do something wrong, you start getting hurt, whether you recognize it or not. This may end up as diverticulitis, bypass surgery, asthma, bronchitis, overweight, stress reactions, etc.
If anything goes wrong with you, you must ask yourself "what have I done to make this happen to me?" So, count on me to help you, but realize it is "one person, one vote." You will do it, or you will get hurt. That is not a threat, it is a discussion of the "reality principle." So, choose your heroin-cocaine-meat-cheese-chicken-eggs-ice cream-unprotected sex-overweight-nasty attitude-anger-selfishness-cakes and cookies, etc. Or get a Nordic Track or Precor Cross-Country Ski Machine, drink essentially water and weak herb tea. Have a positive attitude, serve other people, don't allow yourself to become angry, accept the difficulties of life, don't smoke, be "skin-muscle-bone" and consume a high fiber diet of whole grains-vegetables-beans. Do not buy and bring home that which you should not eat or smoke or drink.
As above, get smart or get hurt, now or later, or whenever it comes, count on it coming sooner as opposed to later.
Have you ever wondered why God loves smokers and overweight people so much that He takes them earlier to Himself? Maybe it goes something like "the Lord helps those that help themselves" and if you don't want His help, He doesn't help you and you get the diseases that you have asked for. It is also said "ask and it shall be given unto you." If you by your act ask for heart disease and cancer, emphysema and asthma, AIDS and depression, you will get it and meet your Maker that much sooner.
The author of this is nothing more than a voice from your biology-body to your brain. This is not his opinion, it is a reality.
H. Robert Silverstein, MD
Hartford, CT